Troy University's "#SouthHateWeek"
Before the Troy University Trojan football team faces off against the South Alabama Jaguars in the annual battle for the belt rivalry game on Oct. 16 students are taking to social media for #SouthHateWeek.
Troy student Bella Ryder, a member of the Sound of the South color guard, tweets: “Today has sucked, but not as much as South does #SouthHateWeek.”
Twitter account @Trojan_Possum uses the hashtag to poke fun of the school. “Live look at the University of South Alabama’s most famous alum #SouthHateWeek,” which was followed by a picture of Sesame Street’s Oscar the Grouch.
In a world of tweets, memes and videos, the student body is also expressing how they feel about their Mobile rival the old-fashioned way. Students can be seen sporting battle for the belt buttons.
Troy University’s Freshman Forum, the freshman branch of the student government association, is selling “Take a Chip Out of South” buttons, featuring head coach Chip Lindesy for $2.
Freshman Forum delegate and Trojan Pride committee head Makenzie Ladner is originally from Mobile, but says she is a Trojan through-and-through.
Troy’s Student Alumni Association is also getting in on the action. The group is also selling buttons, the SAA’s say, “Beat South” and “___ > South” for $4.
Wednesday's game will be held in Veterans Memorial Stadium at Troy. Kick off is scheduled for 7 p.m.

SGA Senate Adjourns for Semester
Brady Talbert
The Troy University Student Government Association conducted its final senate meeting of the fall 2019 semester; but before the group could adjourn for Thanksgiving break, the senate voted to pass a code of laws amendment, constitutional amendment and two club constitutions.
The senate voted in favor of clearly defining voter fraud; following the actions of an organization on campus which participated in fraudulent voting during this semester’s homecoming court campaign season.
If a violation does occur the document states that, “An ‘Election Violation Committee’ shall exist to investigate alleged violations of election laws and to monitor elections to ensure that all laws and regulations are adhered to.”
SGA President Morgan Long said the amended code of laws are more relevant for a tech savvy student body.
[Click documents to view]
“The purpose is to adapt and maintain balance between the ever-changing world of technology we live in,” Long stated, adding, “As well as make sure voters are aware of how some actions can in fact be determined as fraudulent voting.”
“We realized that our current election laws were not up to date with how we needed to be operating. Therefore, we are making necessary efforts to ensure that a situation like that never arises again.”
In an Instagram poll, 85 people voted in favor of the amendment, seeing it as a beneficial change. Eight people voted in opposition to the alteration. Out of the 93 people surveyed, 91% were in support of the change.

When Troy students were asked to share their thoughts on the change, many explained their support. Students voiced their perspectives in an Instagram questionnaire.
"Gives clear rules so that our organization can fully respect Troy University guidelines." - Student
"We are better defended against other groups who won't put in the work to win competitions." - Student
"By ensuring that necessary actions will be taken when rules are broken." - Student

The SGA also passed a constitutional amendment which would alter the title of three executive positions. The proposed changes are as follows:
[Hover Over Titles]
The student body will have the chance to vote on whether it wishes to make the change official in the spring vacancy election.
Lastly, the senate approved of two new clubs on campus. The Human Geomatics Club’s constitution states that the organization will, “provide opportunities for professional growth through research opportunities and networking.”
Another club that was passed is called “The Fortress.” The club aims to increase attendance at sporting events that may not garner as much attention as the football team.
“The clubs we passed today we’re really excited about,” Executive Vice President Molly Grace Womack said after the meeting.
“The reason it comes through the SGA is because we have to vote on them, so that they are university recognized and university official. We love when these clubs come through, and we love when students are passionate about it,” she said.
SGA’s next senate meeting will be held on Jan. 14, 2020.
Watch my coverage on TROY TrojanVision News for a closer look at why the SGA senate voted to pass these four items of business and how students are reacting.